Wedding Planning - One Year + (There's plenty of time, ummm right?)

To Do List for Wedding Planning

I gave you my heart and the very next day... we're off and running with a head fulls of "What to do's!!!" πŸ˜œπŸ˜‰

Planning a wedding sure feels like a full time job, but with some advise we hope to help you manage all there is to do.

One Year and more...

Budget Planning:
This is quite important because you will base most, if not all of your plans and purchases on what your budget is.  It doesn't necessary mean the dollar amount in your bank account, but more importantly what you both feel comfortable in spending on your wedding.  Parents might be able to chip in with some finances, but now's the time to be realistic and do not over spend what you do not have just to have a fancy showstopper event.  

Date Selection:
Because we are all so busy, you will not be able to find a "perfect" date to accommodate everyone.  Knowing this will make selecting a date a bit easier, because you really can't please everyone. One practical way is to list all important schedules so you both can narrow down possible dates.  

Helpful Reminder: Any planned dates will need to be flexible, as some venues get booked up early. 

Venue:  Will you have an indoor or outdoor wedding or both, such as a church ceremony followed by an evening banquet under the stars.  It's great to know that some popular venues may even have a bit of a discount during off seasons. So flexibility is the key to planning a successful wedding. Actually, keep this point in your back pocket for your soon to be married lifeπŸ˜‰.  Give yourself plenty of time and patience in finding a venue you both are happy about. 

Helpful Reminder: While venue viewing, allow plenty of time and patience, honor your appointments and be ready to give a budget range, as each venue will be able to offers suitable plans and deals. 

Wedding Planner: This is the fun part of being a bride-to-be, because who doesn't like to dream about your very own wedding and dream wedding dress.  Designate a place, either an actual folder or an app, to keep you organized.  Fill it with images and information that delight and spark your interest. And at the end of the day, it's a great keepsake of inspirations and vendors' information.

Helpful Reminder: Not to be a party booper, but keep in mind your budget in compiling this folder. Be creative and find ways to make your dream wedding a reality. 

Guest List: This will keep you and spouse quite busy and occupied, because it literally involved both sets of families and friends.  Keep cool and do appreciate your new combined family and all it brings. Guest list is mainly related to budget and family preferences. So good communication and compromise are keys to keep you all happy.

Helpful Reminder: If you have an engagement party, make sure the same guests will also be on your wedding's invitation list. 

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