Turn Your Wedding Eco Chic

Every day should be Earth Day right? Actually it's never a bad day to take care of the beautiful planet we live in. So why not make your wedding an opportunity to do good? 

Planning a wedding can be stressful enough so the following are some of our favorite eco-consciousness tips that can be simply incorporated into any wedding. And keep in mind that it's the little things in life that can make the biggest impacts.


Choosing a venue is one of the first element of wedding planning. 
Consider venues that are stand alone beautiful will allows you to pare down on decorations. This cuts down not only on wasteful single use decorations but also on time and money. 

Consider an outdoors venue, it's a great way to cut back on electricity use. Let natural sunlight be the main source of lighting throughout the day. Worried about the weather? It's not an issue with an indoor venue of a greenhouse. Not only does it allow for optimal natural lighting but makes for a unique wedding venue. Also its diffused lighting will make every picture, well, picture perfect.

In addition, having a local venue for your reception and ceremony is a great way to cut down on long distance traveling and unnecessary carbon emissions.


Now that you have chosen a venue let the eco-creativity flow! Being eco-conscientious in decoration is easy and can look equally as beautiful as store bought items. For example, if you're going for the enchanting look, take heart these can be created from flea markets or thrift stores finds. Not only is it a practical way to reuse items but also make the decorations economical and unique.

Flowering plants are just as beautiful as cut flowers and last so much longer. They purify the air and can give you a freshness like no other.  Double duty your dainty potted plant place cards into party favors for guests to take home for keepsake. And as table decorations goes, table top candles are not only beautiful and romantic but their luminosity can reduce electricity used.


Food always seems to be on everyone's mind when it comes to any celebration. Did you know there are easy ways to make your menu eco-friendly? Serving vegan/vegetarian course meals can be a good idea and may already be something you're incorporating. Not going that route? No problem, try going local when choosing food vendors. This will cut down on the emissions caused by unnecessary transportation as you support local businesses.

Using food that is locally grown and in season is quite a resourceful approach. Everyone can enjoy food that it is minimally processed and richer in flavor. With locally gown foods you can skip out on using pricey organic items.
Food that is good for you and in budget? Yes, please!

What if you over estimated the food needed and would hate to throw the extra food away.  There's a easily solution to this problem and that is by donating it to selective food banks. There are food banks all over the country that will take clean, unserved food and in turn give it to those in need.


Use potted plants and  flowering plants as centerpieces. This will not only showcase natural beauty but also guests may take them home for lasting memories.

When it comes to the bridal bouquet, there are good alternatives to keeping this wedding tradition eco-friendly. One way is to incorporate flowers that are grown locally to reduce carbon footprints. Also to give back to the community, there are companies that will take floral arrangements and donate proceeds to charities.

Another wedding tradition that can use an earth friendly make over is the practice of throwing rice to send off the newlywed. But uncooked rice has questionable consequences to birds that feed on them. 

A great alternative would be to use dried lavender and herbs, which in turn gives these aromatic plants a well deserving send off. Another option is use actual bird seeds! No need to worry about hurting little birdies, because you now get to feed them too. Blowing bubbles are another fun and delightful way to send off the bride and groom and besides, bubbles always look great in photos.

Wedding Invitations/Stationary 

One would think that using recycled paper may be the way to go but it may not be the better choice. Although it's a step in the right direction, we can take it a step further with post-consumer paper. Post-consumer paper is made without the harmful process that can arise from turning recycled paper into ready to use item.

Some may think that using email to send off wedding invitations maybe go against wedding etiquette but actually it's a great time to go paperless. If you like to incorporate both the look of paper and efficiency of email, then simply send out one wedding invitation card with information to visit your website for all things wedding. 

These ideas are just some ways to turn your wedding into an eco-friendly celebration! Keep in mind that little things truly make a big difference. 

Other tips to think about when incorporating eco-friendliness:

1. On your bridal registry, choose items that are sustainably made. Things that do good even after the celebration is long over.
2. When choosing wedding favors, consider edible treats. They'll vanish in no time flat. Also those that are sustainable sourced and give back to charities are even better.
3. When it comes to jewelry, consider a vintage ring or family heirloom that can surely add a sentimental and stylish touch. 

We hope to inspire you through these eco-friendly tips and let us know which ideas you're planning on using in your wedding?

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