Trending Wedding Themes

When you think of your wedding day what do you envision? Is it a calm garden wedding? A night of dancing under a disco ball? These are all great things to think about when choosing your theme. A wedding theme sets the tone and look for your wedding. It's a great reference for the ambience you want to create. As the years go by we see some themes become more popular and others fade away. In the modern age we have some great themes that draw inspiration from the passed and look into the future. Here are some trending wedding themes that might just be the one for you. 

Cottage Core

Cottage core is all about embracing that rural living lifestyle. It stared off as a fashion style but it has delved into many different things. When you think about cottage core you think about cozy and earthy things. This is great for small weddings because it stays true to that cozy and more relaxed feeling. If these are all things that sound great to you it might be the perfect wedding theme. 

70s Disco 

If you love to take inspiration from passed styles we have a great theme for you. The 70s disco theme is in full bloom. It's all about bringing that party feeling to your wedding. Picture Saturday night Fever and dancing under the disco ball. Its a great way to still have a vintage look and feel but with a twist. So if fun and energetic is how you want your wedding to be described this is the perfect theme for you. 

Bridgerton Inspired

By now you have either heard or watched the beloved show Bridgeton on Netflix. This regency era show is all about the extravagant fashion and the romance. It's a great theme to incorporate into a wedding because of this. If you want to bring this theme to life things about having a string quartette at your wedding and a romantic castle venue. Going big and romantic are the two main things that bring that Bridgerton theme to life. So if you want to really go all out and have a big wedding this theme might be the one for you. 

Eco Chic

We all want to do our part in helping the planet and that can start with your wedding. There can be a lot of waste that comes from having a wedding but couples are doing their best to minimize that. From using recycled items to donating left overs. These are all great steps to take. You can have your dream wedding while still being eco-friendly. 

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