Wedding Beauty Prep You Can DIY

 When it comes to brides pepping for their big day there is a lot that goes on. Brides to be need to get their hair done, a manicure, even skin treatments. However you don't always have to go some where to get some of these done. There are some at home treats you can do ourself to get prepped for the big day.  Here are some ideas for you. 

Skin Prep

Every bride wants to have stunning skin that is glowing and radiant. That can be done at home. Instead of going to get facials and procedures you can enhance your skin care routine to get great skin. If you are going to add new things make sure its early on in your wedding journey so your skin has time to adjust. 

Hair Treatments

Having nice shiny hair is also something bridal want on their wedding day. Get your hair ready by doing DIY hair masks. There is no need to go into a salon for hair treatments when you can easily so at home. An easy way do this to to oil your hair. You can your oil of choice and leave it in your hair for some time and then wash it out. It's a great way to moisturize your hair and help keep it strong. 

Makeup Kit

Once you have decided on your bridal makeup it's time to build your makeup kit to have some touch up things ready. It's good to have the lipstick you are going to be wearing handy. You can also add a powder to touchup, concealer, and a small mirror. 


One way to really let your beauty shine is by not over stressing. This can be hard when wedding planning but you have to set aside time to relax. That means getting in your exercise, doing your favorite hobby, and getting eight hours of sleep.  Stress can not only damage you mentally but it can also take its toll on the body so it's important to be mindful of it. Try breathing exercises, being off your phone before bed, and just taking a nice hot bath. All of these are small DIYs that can really make a difference. 

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