Tips To Help You Look & Feel Your Best For Your Wedding

 Every bride wants to look their very best on their wedding day. It's important to feel strong and confident as you make your way down the aisle. There are some things you can start doing to prep yourself for the big day. Take a look at some these tips to help you feeling and looking great. 

Find An Exercise You Actually Enjoy

It's great to have your body moving for your overall heath but it's also an amazing way to help with stress and your mental health. Wedding planning can be stressful so a great way to let some of that go is with exercise. In order to stick to a workout you have to do something you actually enjoy. Whether it's going for a walk in the mornings or doing a dance class. These all are great way to get your body moving.

Don't Skip Out

When it comes to nutrition and wedding planning it's easy to forget to eat when you have so much going on. You are going to want to avoid that. Skipping meals can add more stress to your body and can put you in a negative head space. Try to meal prep for days you know you're going to be really busy. Have snacks handy you can take on the go. 

Start Journaling

Instead of spending time on your phone before bed start journaling. Journaling is a great way to unwind about your day. Write about the good and the bad. Its a nice breather and can help you get better rest. 

Have A Date Night

Keep the romance alive and thriving during your wedding planning process. Having a special date night with your significant other helps you two to hit pause on everything going on and just enjoy each others company. It's also great for taking time to talk to each other about how you're feeling about the wedding and planning process. 

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