Is A Summer Wedding Right For You?

 When it comes to picking a wedding a date there are a lot of factors that go into it. One important one is what season you want to have your wedding in? Over the years summer has been the top choice. With sunny skies and more predictable weather we can see why it is a favorite. But that doesn't mean it has to be for you. So if you're contemplating a summer wedding, let's take a look if it aligns with what you want. 

1. Prepare For Sweat

We are starting off with a given. You are most likely going to sweat during a summer wedding. If you know you are more prone to sweating a summer wedding might not be the best choice. You of course don't want to see photos of all the perspiration. That goes for your partner too. If you don't think you can handle the heat we advise reconsidering a summer wedding date. 

2. More Competition

As we mentioned summer is when wedding season is in full force. So you want to prepare to have more competition when it comes to booking your vendors. That can also mean a longer wait time for a wedding dress and limited availability for booking a venue.  

3. Thirsty Guests

When the weather is hot there isn't a better way to cool down than an ice cold drink. That can mean spending more on drinks which also include the bar. The hotter the weather is the more your guests are going to want to drink. 

4. Dressing For The Weather

It can be difficult to dress for a summer wedding. This is true for your guests and you as well. Think about what you want your bridal dress to look like. If it include long sleeves and heavy fabrics then it's time to reconsider a summer wedding. It's important to dress for the occasion and weather. You can only imagine how hot it will be in a suit. 

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