Tips On How To Make Your Wedding Guest List

Wedding guest lists are probably not the most exciting part of wedding planning. Some couples just don't enjoy it because it can be time consuming and challenging. This is especially true when conflicting opinions come out. Just know that your first list will probably be a draft and will be revised until you get the right one. That is totally normal. We are here to give you some tips to help you narrow down your list. We hope these tips will make this part of wedding planning that much better. 

Relative Invites

The most important people when it comes to wedding guests are your relatives of course. You're going to want to invite everyone of your family to witness such a special day. However, we know that's not really possible. Your immediate family is a must. This also includes aunts, uncles, first cousins, and grandparents. When it comes to second cousins and more distant relatives you should think about the closeness of them. If you don't have a very strong relationship with them then you don't have to feel the need to invite them. 


Some couples invite their coworkers to their weddings but know that it isn't as common as you might think. If you are thinking of inviting your coworkers you should invite your entire team or none at all. This is to keep things equal. An exception to this rule would be if you have a relationship with some coworkers outside of work. Then they are more of a friend than just a coworker. 

Mutual Wedding Invitation

Perhaps you were recently at a wedding. Does that mean that you should also invite them to yours? That can be a tricky questions to answer. It's good to think about how your friendship with that person is. If you are still good friends with them then yeah you should invite them. But if you feel like you both haven't had that strong of a friendship then it is okay to not invite them. You should also keep in mind how big your wedding is going to be. If it's a small intimate wedding they might not make the cut and that's more than okay. 

The Plus One

The famous plus one is always something that comes up in weddings. When should people get a plus one and who gets one? Most couples like to include a plus one to serious couples. That include perhaps someone that is engaged. Their fiance should definitely be invited. Other than that some may not let give out a plus one. Unless a relationship is serious. 


Another popular discussion when it comes to the guest list is if kids are invited. It's completely normal to not invite children to your wedding. Some couples prefer it this way. It's all up to how you want your wedding to go. But if you are planning on having children you can choose to have older children as oppose to younger ones. 

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