Wedding Dress Emergency Kit

 Prepping for your big days comes in different ways. There is so many things to plan and sometimes you even have to plan for the unexpected. This doesn't always means these things will happen but it is better to be prepared. But it's also important to keep in mind that some things are out of your control. So you can't plan for everything. What you can plan for are some things that can go wrong with your wedding dress. That is probably one of the things brides fear the most. But no need to panic because we are here to help you. Keep these things handy for any malfunctions. 

So what is a wedding dress emergency kit? An emergency kit is just what it sounds like. Almost like a first aid kit for your wedding dress. It houses items that you would need to prevent and fix any mishaps. So what should you have in there? Here are some items that we dean are a must!

1. Fashion Tape- This is great at keeping things in place. If you have a deep V neckline dress fashion tape can help it stay put and in place. You don't have to worry about anything slipping out. You can move around comfortably and without a worry. 

2. Sewing Kit- This one is a no brainer. It's definitely on the top of the list. This would come in handy if a button comes off, if a seem busts, or if you need to reattach beading. Make sure you have thread that will match the color of your wedding dress. 

3. Stain Removers- There are stain opportunities through out the day so be ready to take any out just incase. From makeup to even sitting on a dirty service, stain remover pens and wipes come in handy. 

4. Static Guard- Sometimes clothing can get some static and stick to you. Get rid of this unwanted clinging to make your wedding dress look amazing. 

5. Steamer- This is a must if you are going to travel with your wedding gown. Even a short distance can cause wrinkles depending on the fabric used. So be sure to pack a steamer. 

6. No Show Deodorant- This is a beauty product that has a lot to do with your wedding dress. The last thing you want are deodorant marks on your wedding dress. We would recommend a spray that dry down invisible. 

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