How To Save Money On Your Wedding Venue

 One of the biggest things you need to include in your wedding budget would be your wedding venue. Your wedding venue is the focul point of your wedding no matter how big or how small it is. Venues come with different price points that there is one that can work for every couple. If you want some tips on how to save on your wedding venue. Then keep on reading. 

Same Venue For Ceremony & Reception

Having your ceremony and reception in two different locations is going to add two different costs to your tab. Choosing to have both in one venue could help keep you within your budget. Doing so will also help cut down costs of transportation which is always a plus. 

Alternative Venues

Instead of going for the popular venues that are well known go for something more unique and less traditional. Things like national parks and even city libraries can be an alternative venue that brings a lot of character with a less expensive price tag. These alternative venues can also make it more personal like having your wedding in your parents backyard. You save money and have that personal touch. 

Weekday Wedding 

Hosting your wedding on a weekday is going to save you money all around but especially on your venue. Most wedding are celebrated during the weekend so some venues will have discounted prices for a weekday wedding. Having a wedding on a Thursday or Friday will allow you to still extend some of the wedding facilities into the weekend. So you sort of get the best of both worlds.

Smaller Guest List

Having a smaller guest list is going to open up doors for other venues that a large guest list might not be able to host. A smaller wedding venue typically also comes with a smaller price tag. We know cutting down your guest list can be tough but it might be the best option. You will not only stay within budget with your wedding venue but it give yours wedding a more intimate feeling. This makes it much more special. 

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