Follow These Tips To Have A Great First Dance

 Your first dance as a married couple is traditional and can be a bit nerve wrecking for some. We can totally see why. It's all eyes on you and what if you miss a step? This can be an intimidating time for those who don't like the spot light on them. As well as though that aren't confidant in their dancing. But we have some tips to help you have an amazing first dance. Keep on reading to find out. 

Look A Your Partner

If you are feeling nervous with all of your guests looking at you just keep your eyes on your partner. Focus on each other because this is a special moment between the two of you. You can also share a conversation on what ever you would like. It's going to help you feel less tense and have a good time dancing. 

Choose A Song You Love

Don't be too worried about miss a step because in the end no one is going to remember that. Focus on the music and your partner. Its special meaning is going to help you feel more at ease. You can even choose something non traditional and have a more upbeat and fun first dance. It's all up to you and your vibe. 

Practice In Shoes

To make sure you don't take a tumble when dancing make sure you practice your dance with your wedding shoes. Not only will it help break them in but it will also help you feel more confidant in them. 

Choose Another Option

If you just feel like a first dance doesn't fit with your vision of your wedding or you're too uncomfortable then don't do it. You don't have to be pressured to doing a first dance if you don't want to. You can even have a private last dance to replace it. 

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